Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Concrete Jungles

I grew up in the tropics, and I have begun to employ the term "concrete jungle" to such intersections of the highway that twist and divide with frightening dexterity....However, I found that these pictures also did justice to the term.(PS--they are from out trip to the Eastern Continental Divide)

Eastern Continental Divide--Family Trip


Our family recently took a biking trip out to the Eastern Continental Divide
My little sister insisted on taking "Goldie", her 3 foot long Golden Retriever with her in her backpack. Goldie also served the useful function of carrying her hoodie in case it or she got cold.

My littlest brother crawled all over this little gully trying to get flowers.
He finally found one hear enough, and then had to struggle to pick it!
Then, he found this fence.....
And did what all little boys do....He climbed as high as he could!!!!!