Thursday, November 19, 2009

Winter/Fall Photoshoot

On a grey and cloudy afternoon we met at the park.As we shot pictures, the late afternoon turned into evening....Soon, it was dark enough to make me have to squint. My dear camera just kept on clicking away, carefully recording the information I asked it to. It is a good sport.With a white outfit for fall, and a red one for winter, and a Retro one just for fun, we had a blast!!I was into taking shoe pictures.....Then, how much better than to pair Retro with Mustang?Awesome!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Comedy of Errors

I love Drama. I know I said that before, but I think I should say it again! If I can't be in a play I would love to go see one!!Dromio of Syracuse hiding from Adrianna
Antipholus of Ephesus trying to figure out why he is not being let into his own house to dine...Dromio and Antipholus of E being bound and dragged off as madmen...
"The rope, master, that you sent me for!"
"A rope? I sent you for GOLD!"

They look alike!The whole family together again!

The cute couple :)

So not the Drama!

I love drama. When I was little they always said I was the Drama Queen of the family. I have had opportunities to act a couple time here in the States now that I am older and they have all been special to me. I love the rush I get when it is crunch time. I love dashing about stage pretending to be angry or sad.
The funny part is that I always get cast as an old lady. Ok, so in one play I was a "teen", but every other one I have been an old lady!!!
Here is Old Babushka:
And here is my most recent adventure as an aging, grieving mother: